The ultimate DNA based preventive health assessment product, Genomepatri is a once-in-a-lifetime, painless, simple saliva based test that scans your DNA for variations which give you insights into how you're built, right down to the molecular level. Get an assessment of your traits, drug response profile, nutritional needs, predisposition to over 100 conditions, and coupled with a personalised genetic counseling session, embark upon a journey towards a healthier life - with YOU in the driver's seat!
This test includes:
- Primary Genotype Report
- Personalised Genetic Counseling session (~45 mins)
- Recommendations report (An Action Plan for better health - personalised to your genetics)
The DNA-based Fitness test of the elite! MyFitgene™ is a genetics-based nutrition and fitness planner like never before! By assessing the variations in your DNA through a simple, non invasive saliva swab, this test gives you information essential to personalise your diet, workout and clinical testing to unlock your full genetic potential in the realm of sports, fitness and wellness! Join the elite group of athletes by tailoring your efforts to your genetic potential!
This test includes:
- Primary Genotype Report
- Personalised Genetic Counseling session (~45 mins)
- Recommendations report (An Action Plan for better health - personalised to your genetics)

Get your personal nutrition guide for optimised meal planning MyNutriGene is a genomic assessment of your nutritional profile, based on DNA analysis and interpretation. Learn about your metabolism, fat/carbohydrate response, vitamin profile, food intolerances, eating behaviour and more.
Choose a diet made from YOU, for YOU. Get personalised nutrition advice, based on your genetics. Unravel your DNA code to identify areas of concern or potential risk that you can mitigate - starting from your plate! Customised diet recommendations from our certified counsellors help you formulate the best-suited diet plan - so that you stay healthier, for longer.
This test includes:
- Primary Genotype Report
- Personalised Nutritional Counseling session (~45 mins)
- Recommendations report (An Action Plan for better health - personalised to your genetics)
Genomepatri Heritage (Ancestry)
You asked and we heard! Get the newest and coolest offering from Mapmygenome - ancestry mapping via Genomepatri HERITAGE! This product traces your genetic roots across the globe to unveil your true self and origins. Get answers to questions about who you really are and where you are from, with a detailed report with estimates on how much DNA you share across different ethnic groups.
Comprehensive SNP panel for autosomal markers
70+ global regions covered in the Mapmygenome reference panel
99.5-99.8% data accuracy

One drug does not suit all. Before you pop that pill, stop and ask yourself - Will this work for ME? Enter MedicaMap - the most comprehensive pharmacogenomic test, that analyses your DNA to assess your drug response profile. One test, one time, and get information about your response to ~100 FDA approved drugs ranging from painkillers and antidepressants to anti-cancer drugs!
This test includes:
- Primary Genotype Report
- Personalised Genetic Counseling session (~45 mins)
- Recommendations report (An Action Plan for better health - personalised to your genetics)
Genetics Counseling Session
(via Video Confernce)
Counseling by expert genetic counselors for individuals and families to understand genetic risks and possible inherited conditions.
Counseling includes an in depth look at your family history as well as your current health to assess and counsel with regards to your risks for certain diseases.
No need to have done our genetic test.
This test includes:
- Personalised Genetic Counseling session (~45 mins)
- Recommendations report (An Action Plan for better health - personalised to your genetics)

The BRCA gene is a DNA analysis to identify harmful changes (mutations) in either one of two breast cancer susceptibiltiy genes -BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Women who have inherited mutation in these genes are at an increased risk (70% chance) of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer compared with the general population.
Mapmygenome’s BRCAMap test covers both BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes (Full sequence analysis for coding regions). Blood specimen is collected from the individual for DNA extraction and analysis (Next Generation Sequencing). Validation by Sanger sequencing for pathogenic variants found (if any).
This test includes:
- Primary Genotype Report
- Personalised Genetic Counseling session (~45 mins)
- Recommendations and guidelines from our counselor. This may include other screening tests if any.