Simple Home DNA Test

1. Receive Test Kit
Our courier will drop-off to your doorstep the DNA package
Contents include 1 sample collection kit intended for collection and stabilisation of DNA from human mouth samples.

5. Recieve DNA Report​
We will send you a comprehensive report of your traits, drug response profile, nutritional needs, predisposition to over 100 conditions.
To complete the process, shake the sample collector 15 times vigorously.

Twist the top end of the sample collector and place the soft cotton end inside the cylinder along with the blue liquid.

6. Genetic Counseling Session
A member of our team of expert genomics counselors will speak with you via phone/skype and explain your results as well has help you achieve your wellness potential by providing you with strong insights and healthy practices for your future.
After the counseling session is complete, we will send you a second report with a summary of your medical couseling session reccomendations.

2. Swipe
Place the soft cotton end inside your cheek and swipe the left and right side 10 times each.

3. Read and sign all consent forms

4. We Pick Up
Our Courier will pick up the DNA Kit from you and proceed to process.